Indian scientists have made a key finding which can help to conserve the ice mass of the western Himalayan glaciers: Dr Harsh Vardhan

Dr Harsh Vardhan – Union Science & Technology Minister:

  • Indian scientists have made a key finding which can help to conserve the ice mass of the western Himalayan glaciers, that biomass-derived carbon could be the only primary driver of carbon-induced glacier melting in this region.
  • The research supported by @IndiaDST, Climate Change Program Grant and Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB) showed that the source of organic carbon in the glaciers of Western Himalayas is more from local biomass sources and not from fossil fuel sources.
  • The glaciers in the Himalaya are melting at an increased rate because of the well-established long-term increase of the near-surface temperature and due to the presence of surface impurities such as dust and organic carbon particles

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